Friday, April 2, 2010

Free traffic sites

A lot of people want to boost their traffic just for the sake of saying they have more traffic. Maybe they want to sell advertising spots, and just need to say they have higher numbers than they really do. Or some people just want to be able to say they are getting a lot of traffic. Either way here are some great options to getting easy non-organic(people who weren't necessarily looking for you) traffic.
Traffic G is a free traffic exchange site that gives you around 1.1 visitors for every site you view. You just have to click on a site, wait 20 seconds, and click the right word. I would recommend doing it while you are doing something else, because it can get very boring. But it will give you the traffic it promises.
Free link exchange lets you advertise your blog on other blogs or sites by putting links on your own site. How many hits you get depends on how many times your links get clicked on.
Link Grand is a little different in that it lets you make money by putting links on your blog, and in turn use that to buy links. You can also just buy hits for just $5 for a thousand hits. I have done this a few times with some of my blogs. You can also make money with referrals.


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