Thursday, April 22, 2010


Squidoo is a great way to send traffic to your blog. More and more bloggers and website owners are making lenses(their word for web page) for the purpose of driving traffic to their site. You can just simply make a quick web page about whatever your blog is about, and throw in a few links to your blog, your rss feed, and maybe a few post from your blog and you're in business. Also Google and other search engine love Squidoo lenses and rank them very high so you can receive a lot of traffic.
That's not the best part though. The best part is you can make money from it too. I'm talking a lot of money. There are bloggers (myself included) who have tried it just to send traffic to a blog, and had so much fun they made more lenses. As of this writing I am working on lens number 12. Some people make thousands of dollars with Squidoo. There are a ton of people who have quit their jobs, and focused just on building Squidoo lenses. They also have a referral program.
If you are wondering what a Squidoo lens looks like, here are a few of mine. Here's one to drive traffic to my blogs. And here are a couple that I made just to have fun, and make a little money. Who makes the best footballs and Best Basketball
Another great part of Squidoo is the great community. There are tons of people in the forum trying to help out each other and make it more fun. It really is the most fun I have ever had making money.

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